Think Beyond College Rankings!

Tyson Schritter

“______ University has been ranked #1 in ______!”

Sound familiar? It seems like everywhere you look is a new list of colleges that swears to know which schools have the best programs, which schools are the best at getting you a six-figure income—and of course, which schools are the best, period.

But who are they best for? How is the “best” calculated? Can you calculate quality?

In Colleges of Distinction’s new ebook, “Reaching Beyond Rankings: How to Use College Evaluation Systems To Find Your Dream School,” we dissect all the big-name college ranking systems to help you know what to look for (and what to avoid) during your college search!

Numbers can be deceiving, and statistics can be manipulated in order to take advantage of the ways that companies like U.S. News and Forbes score colleges. That’s why in “Reaching Beyond Rankings” we break down these scoring guidelines to show you how flimsy they really are.

Then, we show you how to look at a school the way our experts do! Instead of the knock-down, drag-out competition for college rankings, we look for schools that offer what really matters: a fulfilling student experience.  Download your copy today so that you too can navigate your college search with a keen eye for the programs and features that will best help you reach your goals.

Every student is so unique that no single school can be “best” for everyone. With “Reaching Beyond Rankings,” you’ll learn how to sort through the colleges and programs that matter most to you—in the end, you’re sure to find the school that’s #1 on your list!

And if you’re interested in learning more about Colleges of Distinction and some of the schools that have impressed us, you can check out our website, sign up for our email list, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram!