A Message From Our COO Regarding the Coronavirus Pandemic

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Dear Friends,

I hope you are well and safe during this uncertain time.

As we embark on another week of working from home, I wanted to let you know a few things Colleges of Distinction is doing to provide support. This is an unprecedented event in our 20 years, and we’re working to be as agile as possible in getting our students, parents, and counselors the resources and guidance they need.

We’re keeping an eye on how our selected institutions are leading the way in flexibility and accommodations for students. Please be sure to check out their updates on COVID-19 and what they are doing to help students learn, grow, and succeed—from home.

If you have any questions or concerns about your college search or have questions for any of our listed institutions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Contact us at the form below, or email us directly at info@collegesofdistinction.com. We’ll be sure to get your questions answered.

Please stay safe and follow CDC guidelines as we continue to navigate this moment in history. Tyson Schritter COO, Colleges of Distinction

Tyson Schritter
COO, Colleges of Distinction