Manhattan University
Riverdale, New York

With over 160 years of history, Manhattan University is at the forefront of outstanding, comprehensive universities. Through the years, one constant has guided the University: the Lasallian Catholic heritage upon which it was built. Christian Brothers and lay teachers alike have educated generations of leaders with five programs in the arts, business, education, engineering, the sciences, and over 40 major fields of study for virtually any chosen profession. A student-faculty ratio of approximately 12:1 allows students to receive individual attention and support, providing them with the knowledge they need to succeed in both the classroom and in the workforce.
There’s no other education quite like this, created in the spirit of the man who invented modern teaching, St. John Baptist de La Salle. The achievement, humanity, opportunity, and community of innovative Lasallian education has been the passionate mission of Manhattan University since 1853.
Get to know Manhattan University
Student Activities
- Campus Ministries
- Choral groups
- Dance
- Drama/theatre
- International Student Organization
- Jazz band
- Literary magazine
- Model UN
- Music ensembles
- Musical theatre
- Pep band
- Student government
- Student newspaper
- Symphony orchestra
High-Impact Practices
- First-Year Seminars and Experiences
- Learning Communities
- Collaborative Assignments and Projects
- Undergraduate Research
- Diversity/Global Learning
- Service-Learning, Community-Based Learning
- Internships/Coops/Practica
- Capstone Courses and Projects/Senior Experience
Campus Resources
- Career Services
- Writing Center
- Academic Advisors
- Library Services
- Disability Services
- Multicultural Engagement Center
- Health Services
- Academic Tutors
- Financial Aid Advisors
- Veteran Services
- Peer Mentors
- Counseling
College Highlights
“The relationships between students and faculty here are special. Faculty spend countless hours with students, and these mentorships lead to better engagement in future careers.” – Rani Roy, Assistant VP for Student & Faculty Development, Manhattan University
Manhattan University’s welcoming campus in Riverdale, a residential neighborhood in New York City, fosters close bonds among fellow students and with faculty. Just thirty minutes from midtown Manhattan, the University provides easy access to the vast, enriching resources that this mecca of commerce and the arts have to offer. Manhattan University Jaspers enjoy the special advantages the school has to offer: a strong network that links students and alumni to each other in mutually beneficial ways.
In partnership with a number of educational institutions, including Lasallian schools overseas, the University offers many opportunities for study in other countries. Studying abroad represents an opportunity for intellectual, cultural, and personal growth for its students, many of whom have never gone beyond the borders of the USA.
Manhattan believes that educators have a responsibility not only to prepare students for careers, but to make them more knowledgeable, sensitive, and tolerant of other cultures. A Manhattan University student is sure to be an informed citizen of an increasingly interdependent world. As one student writes, “Living and studying in South Africa has allowed me to understand and appreciate a reality so different from my own — to witness firsthand the strength of people and their ability to overcome incredible hardships.”
Non-U.S. Citizen: 3%
Hispanic/Latinx: 26%
Black or African American, non-Hispanic: 6%
White, non-Hispanic: 50%
Native/Indigenous American or Alaska Native, non-Hispanic: 0%
Asian, non-Hispanic: 4%
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, non-Hispanic: 0%
Two or more races, non-Hispanic: 3%
Race and/or ethnicity unknown: 8%
In the future as in the past, it is the faculty who are the torchbearers of Manhattan’s educational mission. The Christian Brothers, through their scholarship and compassion, paved the way for the lay faculty who followed. Today, a scholarly body of men and women does credit to the institution, pursuing research activities and offering qualified students the opportunity to work alongside them outside the normal classroom environment. The faculty offers inspiring, personalized teaching while applying the critical thinking and problem solving that students must learn and use.
The Lasallian mission dictates excellence in teaching, respect for individual dignity, and commitment to social justice. It has to do with the young people who will shape the world in the years ahead. The faculty at Manhattan University strive to make each student well equipped and willing to make contributions for the betterment of mankind.
“The Arches Program was the ultimate ice-breaker for my freshman year at Manhattan University. It also gave me the chance to familiarize myself with the various community service opportunities throughout the Bronx and beyond.” – Paige Hughes, Urban Studies Major
Programs available at this institution.
Distance learning
English as a Second Language (ESL)
Independent study
Study abroad
Teacher certification program
“Being Lasallian means being part of a thought-provoking community that exposes you to diverse perspectives and the importance of taking action on social issues.” – Julia Galdiz ’17, Allied Health Major
Thanks to their proximity to metropolitan New York, Manhattan students can enjoy all the city’s cultural opportunities, including world-class museums, musical theater and drama, concert halls, and sports events. They also include access to many seminars, special events, and internships.
The University’s 19 varsity teams for men and women offer a full spectrum of athletic opportunities, including baseball, basketball, softball, volleyball, track-and-field, tennis, soccer, lacrosse, swimming, golf and cross-country. Many clubs and intramural activities complement the athletic program. Scholarships are offered in most varsity sports, in addition to academic need- and merit-based awards.
There are clubs in abundance where interests in science, arts, drama, dance, and music can be pursued. Yes, there is even a Jazz Band and Bagpipers Band! Student government and the student newspaper hold still more opportunities for involvement in the life of the University.
The office of Campus Ministry/Social Action foster spiritual development and an enhanced understanding of social justice issues. The Lasallian Outreach Volunteer Experience (LOVE) provides the opportunity for students to explore social causes and to develop habits of reflection on faith. Through participation in these programs, students develop value-based relationships with peers as well as with people whose cultures are very different from their own. Opportunities are available during academic breaks with programs in New Orleans, Ecuador, Mexico, Kenya, Texas, Maine, and Alabama. Different locations are always being added to meet the interests of participating students.
Additionally, many students participate in other community service projects. These include Habitat for Humanity, God’s Love We Deliver, a variety of works with the elderly in nearby nursing homes, the hungry in soup kitchens, and children in an array of settings. For over its 70% Catholic student body, the beautiful De La Salle Chapel offers Sunday mass and concerts, and daily mass is held in a small chapel on campus.
The University has been expanding its academic offerings and facilities to accommodate a growing number of students from the northeast corridor and, increasingly, from other regions of the country. The approximately 80% residential students, as well as the commuters, enjoy a sense of belonging to the close-knit Manhattan community. Two new state-of-the-art residences have been added on campus; in addition, a planned Student Commons will serve as a hub for meetings, dining, student government, multicultural, and other shared student activities.
The University offers a living program that fosters community by providing students who live in the same area the opportunity to share classes and participate in exciting co-curricular activities together.
Percent of students living on campus.
First-time, first-year (freshman) students: 70%
Undergraduates: 51%
Campus housing options.
Coed dorms
Special housing for disabled students
Theme housing
The University’s mentoring program is growing exponentially, offering opportunities for Jasper undergraduates and professionals in every field to interact. Through e-mail contacts, alumni visits, student internships and, in many cases, job placements, the Manhattan University family looks after its own. This is a value-added component of a Manhattan education.
From the beginning, Manhattan University graduates have distinguished themselves in all fields, and a long list of illustrious names attests to how well they have done in their chosen professions. Many joined the religious community, while others have joined the corporate world, heading such companies as Mutual of America, Morgan Stanley, Verizon, and Salomon Brothers.
In the ranks of government leaders are two New York City mayors and four US Ambassadors, among others. Prize-winning authors, doctors, and educators can also claim their Manhattan University heritage, and a stellar roster of engineers confirms the school’s distinguished reputation. In fact, it is often said that New York City was built by Manhattan’s engineers.
Over and above their professional accomplishments, graduates have demonstrated that they learned well the ethical lessons that were part of their Manhattan education. Nowhere is this more poignantly apparent than in their contributions at the World Trade Center site. From the earliest days, Jaspers have always proven their ability and ethical standards as citizens of the world.
A visit to the Manhattan campus is strongly recommended to all prospective students. By contacting the University in advance, (1-800-MC2XCEL), students can arrange to have an interview with a member of the admissions staff, have a tour of the campus, speak with faculty and visit with other students. Tours are offered Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Saturday morning information sessions are also available during the fall for high school seniors and their families.
Recommended but not required
SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing
25th Percentile: 530 | 75th Percentile: 623
SAT Math
25th Percentile: 520 | 75th Percentile: 620
ACT Composite
25th Percentile: 23 | 75th Percentile: 28
Tuition & Cost
Tuition: $41,600
Fees: $4,280
Room & Board: $17,380
Manhattan University provides the maximum financial aid available to qualified students to make their attendance at Manhattan financially possible.
To this end, the University administers a wide range of scholarship and financial aid programs designed to enable the student to pursue his/her studies to graduation. The basis of selection is ability and/or need. Students are advised that program guidelines and funding levels, especially State and Federal, are subject to change without enough advance notice to be corrected in this publication. Students are advised to refer to the website of the Office of Student Financial Services for current information.
Meeting the complete costs of college requires a cooperative effort from several possible sources of funds: student and family, Manhattan University, state and federal government agencies and independent sources of aid. Manhattan University attempts to meet a significant portion of need but is unable to meet full need due to financial limitations.
What Others are Saying
Contact Manhattan University
Contact Admissions
(718) 862-7200
Campus Information
4513 Manhattan College Parkway
Riverdale, NY 10471
(718) 862-8000