High Point University
High Point, North Carolina

High Point University is the Premier Life Skills University working to transform the lives of students. HPU knows a thing or two about transformation, having radically transformed the campus and culture under the leadership of President Nido R. Qubein, who became the seventh president of this 94-year-old institution in 2005. Qubein has led a $2 billion investment in academic programs (six new academic schools have been added), student life facilities (including two student centers), 10 new residential communities, and—currently under construction—a 4,500-seat basketball arena, conference center, and hotel.
Innovative educational initiatives like the President’s Seminar on Life Skills, a required course for all freshmen, ensure students not only grow in specific academic areas of expertise, but also develop competencies in communication, networking, coachability, fiscal literacy, and service. These are among the traits HPU refers to as “life skills,” which employers rank as the most critical skills necessary to succeed in the workplace.
HPU offers a broad spectrum of academic coursework, all complemented by experiential learning programs, including internships, undergraduate research, global education, and service-learning. The approach to life preparation is best showcased by the 97% placement rate for graduates employed or continuing their education within 6 months of graduation from HPU.
Get to know High Point University
Student Activities
- Campus Ministries
- Choral groups
- Concert band
- Dance
- Drama/theatre
- International Student Organization
- Literary magazine
- Model UN
- Music ensembles
- Musical theatre
- Pep band
- Radio station
- Student government
- Student newspaper
- Symphony orchestra
- Television station
- Yearbook
High-Impact Practices
- First-Year Seminars and Experiences
- Common Intellectual Experiences
- Learning Communities
- Writing-Intensive Courses
- Collaborative Assignments and Projects
- Undergraduate Research
- Diversity/Global Learning
- Service-Learning, Community-Based Learning
- Internships/Coops/Practicums
- Capstone Courses and Projects/Senior Experience
Campus Resources
- Career Services
- Writing Center
- Academic Advisors
- Library Services
- Faculty Mentors
- Disability Services
- Multicultural Engagement Center
- Health Services
- Academic Tutors
- Financial Aid Advisors
- Student Success Initiative
- Veteran Services
- Peer Mentors
- Counseling
College Highlights
HPU offers 60 undergraduate majors, 64 minors, and 13 graduate-level programs. With so many options to choose from, students can pursue any area of study—from subjects they have always been passionate about to those they’ve always wanted to explore. The opportunities at HPU are endless!
From the first day on campus, every student is invited to begin their professional development journey through one-on-one appointments with the Office of Career and Professional Development, scholarly research through the Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Works, service-learning, and much more. At HPU, 25% of everything taught has an experiential component, as professors want their students to stretch themselves, work in the community, and find out firsthand what “real” means. Students then discover that experience is the best teacher. And with the university’s opportunities for internships, study abroad, and research, they graduate prepared. Visit highpoint.edu/outcomes to see how HPU is preparing students to achieve success.
When it comes to undergraduate research, there’s no waiting required at HPU! While most universities reserve research opportunities for upperclassmen, HPU’s Office of Research and Professional Development encourages students to become scholars during their first year on campus. From the Research Rookies program, which provides a solid foundation for conducting research, to one-on-one faculty mentorships, students are sure to graduate with exceptional research experience.
“Undergraduate research allowed me to apply what I had learned in the classroom, which is crucial to my health care career. I know my understanding and application of evidence-based practice would not be anywhere near where it is today without the research opportunities I had as an undergraduate at HPU.” – Zach Schner, Class of 2018, Exercise Science, Master’s of Athletic Training Candidate at HPU
The Office of Global Education offers 79 study programs, 62 of which are full-semester opportunities, and 17 of which are faculty-led Global Experience “Maymesters.” Through the Office of Global Education, HPU students will be guided to the best study abroad option for them.
HPU’s Cottrell Hall was intentionally designed to serve as a hub for professional development and experiential learning. Inside this modern, Silicon Valley-style facility, students can connect with the Dwyer Office of Career and Professional Development, Internship Services, the Norelli Office of Global Education, the Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Works, the Harris Professional Sales Center, the Belk Entrepreneurship Center, a Creative Commons that reflects today’s collaborative workforce, and more. A globe in front of the facility and international themes throughout altogether reflect the 21st-century global marketplace.
High POint University offers innovative programs and fellowships to give students a more challenging and in-depth academic experience. Honors Scholars and Fellows collaborate with their peers and faculty to deepen their connection to their education and engage in undergraduate research opportunities. Opportunities include Business Fellows, Natural Science Fellows, Education Fellows, and Siegfried Leadership Fellows.
The Honors Scholar Program is designed to provide enhanced educational opportunities for motivated and talented students from all majors. These enhanced educational opportunities are an array of in-class and out-of-class co-curricular experiences that promote academic, personal, and professional growth. Scholars in the program have the unique opportunity to participate in small group discussions with visiting scholars, conduct independent research with top faculty, and attend national honors conferences.
The number of sections of each class size.
2-9: 232 | 10-19: 296 | 20-29: 350
30-39: 157 | 40-49: 8 | 50-99: 9 | 100+: 3
Nonresident aliens: 103
Hispanic/Latino: 230
Black or African American, non-Hispanic: 211
White, non-Hispanic: 3,409
American Indian or Alaska Native, non-Hispanic: 10
Asian, non-Hispanic: 79
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, non-Hispanic: 1
Two or more races, non-Hispanic: 291
Race and/or ethnicity unknown: 73
Total Enrollment: 4,407
As HPU President Nido Qubein reminds faculty and staff, “You can’t teach values; you must model them.” This sets the tone for HPU’s entire campus. Faculty and staff understand that they serve as heroes, models, and mentors to students. Every member of HPU’s campus is willing to provide one-on-one guidance and support. From faculty members, to Miss Vernell in the Slane Student Center, to HPU’s full-time medical doctor, HPU students are surrounded by people who care about them.
“Everyone at HPU shaped me into the conscientious, hardworking, and prideful person I am. I was taught to be appreciative by the Hospitality Team, prompt by Campus Enhancement, compassionate by the Office of Student Life, courteous by my roommates, meticulous by my professors, creative by my choir director, spiritual by the Chapel and Religious Life team, loyal by my fellow alumni, extraordinary by HPU President Nido Qubein, and proud by the campus I grew up on.” – Chloe Tyler, Class of 2018, B.A. in Special Education, elementary school teacher in Winston-Salem, North Carolina
The faculty at High Point University operate as a key part of the HPU family. During freshman move-in day, faculty members volunteer to unload cars and carry belongings to students’ new dorm rooms, setting the tone for the close student-teacher relationships that mold each student’s experience. HPU faculty members are not just active in their field, but driven by student success.
Faculty members have previously taught at leading universities such as Duke, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, and Stanford. HPU’s student-to-faculty ratio is 14:1, and professors prove themselves to be engaging mentors who are eager to share their own research and scholarly interests. These professors enable practical, project-based learning within the classroom as well as opportunities for undergraduate research. They also teach a variety of Freshman Seminars, ranging from “The Beatles as Poets” to “Curing Diseases in Third World Countries” and “From Babe to the Bronx: Baseball History.”
Students also have access to free tutoring in all classes and 24-hour library services. Additionally, each professor has office hours throughout the week, and many provide their home or cell phone numbers to students to remain accessible outside of class.
At the beginning of freshman year, each student is assigned a Freshman Success Coach. The coach eases students through the transition into college by providing them with academic support and advising as well as opportunities to get comfortable and connected inside and outside of the classroom.
Are you concerned about what major you’ll choose? It’s common for students nationwide to be concerned about which major they’ll choose, but only HPU offers Project Discovery as a way to quell those fears. This program operates on eight decision points designed by HPU’s Success Coach team, who work specifically to help individual students discover the best major for them. But even students who do have a preferred major in mind can benefit; Success Coaches can be assigned based on their specialization in certain areas of study.
As students progress to their sophomore year, they are connected to their academic advisor, a professor in their field of interest who works alongside them during their undergraduate experience (or until their major changes, at which point a new academic advisor is assigned). Students meet with their advisors multiple times throughout the semester for guidance in developing course schedules and collecting contacts for networking opportunities.
Programs available at this institution.
Accelerated program
Cooperative education program
Double major
Dual enrollment
English as a Second Language (ESL)
Honors Program
Independent study
Liberal arts/career combination
Student-designed major
Study abroad
Teacher certification program
High Point University’s entire campus inspires students to perform at their highest levels both academically and socially. There are numerous opportunities for students to be involved, learn, and grow, reinforcing HPU’s call to action: Choose To Be Extraordinary!®
“If I could put it all into one note, I would thank HPU for the very long, jam-packed days that leave me feeling purposeful and fulfilled.” – Gabrielle Banks, junior, a First-Year Navigator and member of the Chapel Board of Stewards and Genesis Gospel Choir
HPU’s Kester International Promenade is lined with flags that represent the 37 countries from which students hail. The residential communities are as diverse as the student population and even provide opportunities for honors housing and living and learning communities. All housing is new or recently renovated, with many dorms boasting community kitchens or apartment-style living.
HPU is committed to surrounding students with an environment that motivates and inspires learning. The university regularly hosts internationally acclaimed thought leaders who interact with the student body, helping students to discover their own path to personal growth and leadership. These leaders include people like Former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice; Apple Co-Founder and HPU’s first Innovator-in-Residence, Steve Wozniak; Netflix Co-Founder and HPU’s Entrepreneur-in-Residence Marc Randolph; Dallas Mavericks CEO and HPU’s Sports Executive-in-Residence Cynt Marshall; and the list goes on. Visit highpoint.edu/innovators for a full list of HPU’s In-Residence faculty.
Opportunities for student fellowship run abound at High Point University. With 78 percent of students coming from out of state and 95 percent living on campus, the student body has a distinct sense of family. There are more than 100 clubs and organizations in which students can get involved to supplement their classroom education. Through Club and Intramural Sports, the Student Government Association, the Campus Activities Team, Greek Like, and more, HPU provides an energetic, engaged campus where every corner is intentionally designed as a learning opportunity. Students may also schedule complimentary academic tutoring, reserve a bicycle, and receive complimentary tickets to any of HPU’s 16 Division I athletic events, concerts, speakers, and films.
Nestled within the city of High Point, North Carolina, HPU sits in the center of the Piedmont Triad, North Carolina’s largest metropolitan area with more than 1.9 million people. Both Greensboro and Winston-Salem are 20 minutes from campus. East of campus are Raleigh (1.5 hours away) and the Atlantic Ocean (4 hours away); south of campus are Charlotte (1.5 hours away) and Atlanta, GA (5 hours away); and west of campus are the Appalachian Mountains (2 hours away).
Athletic Division: NCAA Division I
16 varsity sports
Men’s baseball, men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s cross country and indoor and outdoor track, men’s and women’s golf, men’s and women’s lacrosse, men’s and women’s soccer, and women’s volleyball.
Mascot: Prowler the Panther
Colors: Purple and white
Percent of students living on campus.
First-time, first-year (freshman) students: 98%
Undergraduates: 94%
Campus housing options.
Coed dorms
Men’s dorms
Women’s dorms
Apartments for single students
Special housing for disabled students
Fraternity/sorority housing
Theme housing
Wellness housing
World-class employers know High Point University graduates are a stellar package deal because they have been educated at The Premier Life Skills University. HPU graduates are not only experts in their field, but they also have been equipped with life skills—the ability to solve problems, collaborate, build relationships, continuously grow, and thrive in competitive environments. In a survey conducted by HPU, employers at major corporations say these life skills are exactly what they need in new hires.
“HPU graduates are coachable and willing to grow, which is why they’ve been phenomenal in our leadership program.” – Ryan Torchia, Regional Vice President at Gartner in Fort Myers, Florida
For the Class of 2018, 97 percent of graduates were employed or continuing on to graduate school within six months of graduation. Many students meet their employers through connections made or events hosted directly on their campus by the Office of Career and Professional Development. The office assists students in a variety of other ways as well, such as résumé reviews and mock interview preparation.
“In my role at Google, I put the life skills I gained at High Point University into practice daily. HPU instilled in me the utmost confidence. The campus environment taught me not to take anything for granted. In places like HPU and Google, the sky is the limit for those who work hard.” – Tyler Yusko; Google – Engineering Leadership Recruiter; High Point University Class of 2013, Business Administration, and Class of 2014, MA Strategic Communication
Throughout their years at High Point University, students are given real-world practical learning opportunities. They develop etiquette skills and conversation tips at 1924 Prime, HPU’s learning lab and fine-dining restaurant that provides students with four years of career and professional development. They utilize a corporate boardroom and a stock-ticker room within the Plato S. Wilson School of Commerce, and they’re given access to top-of-the-line technology throughout campus.
The Office of Career and Professional Development team helps students secure internships and externships with companies like Apple, NASA, Animal Planet, Seventeen Magazine, Disney, MTV, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, and Merrill Lynch. The networking connections that students are exposed to during internships help lead them to full-time positions after graduation. Equally beneficial are a variety of Career Connection events hosted at HPU, which bring employers directly to campus or take students to major metropolitan areas such as New York and Washington, D.C, to tour major companies and meet potential employers.
“Choosing HPU paid off tremendously. I had many experiences outside the classroom, whether it be through leadership positions or internships, and I secured a full-time job before senior year. With the help of the sales program and my fantastic professors, I was always two steps ahead of where the process should be and didn’t have to experience job search anxiety.” – Pennsylvania native Ryan Drakeley, who secured a full-time job offer from Gartner before graduating in 2019
With High Point University taking such strides to practically equip students for successful futures, it is no surprise that alumni are honored in leadership positions across the world. HPU alumni are currently serving in leading governmental and nonprofit organization roles as well as leading stellar careers at Google, Amazon, Apple, the NBA, Bloomberg, Dell, Deloitte, General Electric, and many other companies. Alumni currently serve as the COO of BB&T, as Bloomberg’s NYC Hedge Fund manager, as Emmy Award winning journalists, and as medical doctors, veterinarians, lawyers, and more.
High Point University is an exclusive member of the Common Application. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions is here to help throughout the entire application and decision process. Questions about the university or application can be answered at admiss@highpoint.edu or 1 (800) 345-6993.
Very Important
Academic GPA | Standardized test scores
Rigor of secondary school record | Application Essay | Recommendation(s)
Interview | Extracurricular activities | Talent/ability | Character/personal qualities Volunteer work | Work experience | Level of applicant’s interest
First generation | Alumni/ae relation
SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing
25th Percentile: 530 | 75th Percentile: 620
SAT Math
25th Percentile: 520 | 75th Percentile: 620
ACT Composite
25th Percentile: 21 | 75th Percentile: 27
ACT Math
25th Percentile: 20 | 75th Percentile: 26
ACT English
25th Percentile: 21 | 75th Percentile: 27
Tuition & Cost
Tuition: $30,748
Fees: $4,370
Room & Board: $14,130
What Others are Saying
Contact High Point University
Contact Admissions
(800) 345-6993
Campus Location
One University Parkway
High Point, NC 27268
(800) 345-6993