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Avoid the College Process Headache

College is such a formative part of a young adult’s life; the everyday experience is too subjective to be measured. Our newsletter guides you through your college process, helping you find the school and resources that can support you in all aspects of your life. Whether you’re just starting the college search process, trying to find great scholarships, or need tips on writing the perfect admissions essay, our team of experts are full of advice to help you navigate the process.

Join Our Colleges of Distinction Newsletter

By joining the community, you gain timely reminders and helpful guides from college experts that can help you through the whole college process. Not only that, you’ll be the first to know about new releases.


What you’ll get:

  • 161+ Free Guides

  • 370+ Colleges & University Profiles

  • Helpful To-do Lists

  • Scholarship Lists


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Finding the Right School for You

Just as every student has a different major or career interest in mind, so too will they have different preferences for what they want from their college experience. Our monthly newsletter will guide you through your college search process, giving you relevant advice and tips to help you narrow down your choice.

Start your search by taking a look at our 2019-2020 Colleges of Distinction list and begin the journey toward the best school—the one that is the perfect fit for you.


What is Colleges of Distinction?

Colleges of Distinction is a trusted resource for guidance counselors, parents, students, and hundreds of colleges and universities across the U.S. We help students find the right college using our four distinctions: Engaged Students, Great Teaching, Vibrant Communities, and Successful Outcomes.

Among the clamor of college rankings, Colleges of Distinction stands apart by getting past the statistics and popularity polls in order to listen to the heartbeat of a university’s effectiveness. Colleges of Distinction sets the right standard by which every university should be evaluated.
— Dr. Roger Parrott, Belhaven University President

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